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Kategori Mesin Hitung Uang Daiko

Mesin Hitung Uang Daiko DU-2108

Money Counter/Bill Counter/Mesin hitung uang Daiko DU-2108 1. Couting speed : > 100 pcs/mm 2. Banknote size : max 90 x 275 mm, min 50 x 100 mm 3. Power consuption : 60 z 4. Size of package : 348 mm x 282 mm x 230 mm 5. Weight : 6 kg

*Harga Hubungi CS
Tersedia / DU-2108
Mesin Hitung Uang Daiko DP-V 30

Bill Counter/Mesin hitung uang/Money Counter Daiko DP-V30 Function : Couting; Compact; light-weighted and portsble. Operate with battery or adapter with add function suitable for all the currencies all over the world Money counter specification : – Power : 2W – Power supply : 4pcs batteries with size three or Dc6v external supply – Life of… selengkapnya

*Harga Hubungi CS
Tersedia / DP-V 30
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